N.A.N.A Rules for Registration

Revised March 18, 2015


North American Normande Association Herd Book

A. The North American Normande Association (NANA) will maintain a system for registering qualified pedigree Normande cattle. This will include receiving applications for registry and raw data pertaining to each animal, processing such data so the eligible applicant can have certification of such information; recording all data to enable storage and retrieval so animals may be transferred and data analyzed and summarized for the improvement of the breed.

B. An efficient recordation system ensuring accuracy and integrity will be the NANA's primary aim.


Pedigree and Performance Registry

A. A breeder who desires to register cattle above the 75% level should participate in the performance program offered by the Normande Association.


Registration Qualifications

A. Animals of 38% or more Normande blood from percentage or purebred bulls registered with the NANA may be eligible for registry.

B. Up-Breeding

(1) Any breed of cattle either purebred or grade may be bred up to Normande purebred status. Bulls used in a breeding up program must be registered 75% or higher percentage or purebred sires and may be used by natural service or by artificial insemination (A1).

(2) Progeny as the result of the use of multiple sires either A1 or natural service are not eligible for registration unless parentage is proven by a blood type and/or DNA analysis. No certification will be printed as multiple sires.

(3) Percentage of offspring. Percentage will be assigned and printed on the certificate as specified in the Percentage Chart:

    Percentage of Bull
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Normande Fullblood
    Percentage of Cow
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Purebred
  • 3/4
  • 1/2
  • 7/16
  • 3/8
  • 0
    Percentaqe of Calf
  • Fullblood Fullblood
  • Purebred Purebred
  • 7/8 88% (PB female)
  • 3/4 75%
  • 3/4 75%
  • 3/4 75%
  • 1/2 50%
  • Purebred
  • Purebred
  • Purebred
  • Purebred
  • Purebred
  • Purebred
  • Purebred
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Fullblood Fullblood
  • Purebred
  • 3/4
  • 1/2
  • 7/16
  • 3/8
  • 0
  • Purebred Purebred
  • 7/8 88% (PB female)
  • 3/4 75%
  • 3/4 75%
  • 3/4 75%
  • 3/4 75%
  • 3/4 75%
  • 1/2 50%
  • 7/8
  • 7/8
  • 7/8
  • 7/8
  • 7/8
  • 7/8
  • 7/8
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Purebred
  • 3/4
  • 1/2
  • 7/16
  • 3/8
  • 0
  • Purebred 94%
  • 7/8 88% (PB female)
  • 3/4 75%
  • 1/2 50%
  • 1/2 50%
  • 1/2 50%
  • 7/16 44%
  • 3/4
  • 3/4
  • 3/4
  • 3/4
  • 3/4
  • 3/4
  • 3/4
  • Normande Fullblood
  • Purebred
  • 3/4
  • 1/2
  • 7/16
  • 3/8
  • 0
  • 7/8 88% (PB female)
  • 3/4 75%
  • 3/4 75%
  • 1/2 50%
  • 1/2 50%
  • 1/2 50%
  • 3/8 38%

C. Domestic Normande cattle can only be registered by completing all mandatory information on the NANA approved and adopted Application for Registration. The following rules must also be met:

(1) To register animals of 50% or less Normande blood, the sire must be registered in the NANA.

(2) To register animals higher than 50% Normande blood, both the dam and the sire must be registered in the NANA.

(3) Sufficient proof of parentage shall be filed with the NANA and all Normande progeny resulting from embryo transplants.

D. All animals should be registered between 1 and 24 months of age, and must be registered before 24 months of age. The NANA may require proof of parentage for animals older than 24 months of age by blood type and/or DNA analysis.

E. Before animals can be registered from foreign herd books, the sire, dam, (except for foundation dam), and the animal must be registered in a herd book recognized by International Normande Breeder's Association and the NANA.

(1) The original foreign certificate, properly endorsed, should be used as the Application for registration in the NANA. When proper fees are paid, a new NANA certificate will be issued. The foreign certificate will be returned to the owner and a copy will be retained by the NANA.

F. Additional recommendations for animals registered in the NANA Performance Registry: (1) Weaning weights should be taken between 160 and 250 days.

(2) Calculation for 205 day weights should be as follows: Plus 10% for 2 year old dam, plus 5% for 3 year old dam, and plus 5% for a dam over 11 years of age.

(3) Yearling weights should be submitted to complete performance data. Yearling weights should be taken on bulls at least 160 days after weaning weight and should not be taken on any individual after 330 days. The average age for each sex management group should be at least 365 days when this weight is taken.

G. Artificial Insemination

(1) Registration will be accomplished under the same requirements whether the individual to be registered is the result of artificial or natural breeding.

(2) A breeder does not have to own any interest in bull in order to register his progeny.


Blood typing and/or DNA Requirements

A. As of April 17, 1994, all full blood Normande breeding cattle were required to be blood typed before being registered. On April 17, 1998 this requirement was changed to requiring DNA, Therefore as of April 17, 1998 ALL NORMANDE FULL BLOOD BREEDING CATTLE, ALL SIRES, EMBRYO PARTICIPANTS (DAMS, SIRES OFFSPRING) must be DNA'd and during the transition period both blood typing and DNA may be required. All blood typing/DNA kits are available at the NANA office.

B. Approved NANA Serology Laboratory. The Serology Laboratory approved by the Board of Directors annually at the annual membership meeting.

C. Sires to be used for AI must have a DNA record on file at the above laboratory.

D. Sires and dams used in embryo transplant must have DNA on file at the above laboratory.


Application of Registration

A. Application for registration must be typed or printed in ink on forms obtained from NANA. Registration application may also be done electronically via NANA’s official website. All applications must contain the following information:

(1) Pedigree Registration and Performance Registration

a) Name and address of applicant
b) NANA assigned member number - Herd ID - 4 digit maximum
c) Animal tattoo number-6 digit maximum-Year Code last number
d) Dam's NANA number (or dam breed for foundation dams)
e) Sire's NANA number
f) Date of birth of animal
g) Sex of animal
h) Name of animal
i) Calving ease code
j) Multiple birth code (single, twin, or embryo transplant)
k) Horned or Polled
l) Coat color - 3 letters or numbers

(2) Performance Registry recommends the additional information:

a) Dam's year of birth
b) Birth Weight
c) Actual Weaning Weight and Date
d) Actual Yearling Weight and Date

B. Signature of the owner of the animal at time of registration verifies that all the data on the application is true and correct to the best of his knowledge.

(1) Cattle owned by any individual, corporation, partnership or firm can be registered only in the name of the membership issued.

C. Leasing of females. If a Normande female is leased for breeding purposes, both the leaser and the lessee shall sign forms prescribed by the NANA allowing the lessee to sign Application for Registry or transfer for the owner. The lessee shall be considered the breeder of all progeny born to the leased females until such time as the leaser and lessee shall file with the NANA office written notice of termination of the lease. Leaser shall pay all lease fees.


Herd Prefix and Tattoo

A. A North American Normande Association member will be assigned numbers of any combination of two (2) to Four (4) letters and /or numbers. This will be a unique number; in the event of duplicate requests, the number will be assigned to that request, ect.: Examples- TNR 1 for Texas Normande Ranch, TNR 2 for Tom's Normande Ranch, or TNR 3 for Ted N. Reynolds.

B. Each member of the North American Normande Association registering animals will be assigned a permanent herd prefix that shall be the first name in the animal’s full registration name so the animal is identified with that particular breeder. This prefix permanently belongs to the breeder and may not be assigned to another breeder unless the original breeder gives permission in writing to the North American Normande Association. The prefix may be like described above under section A, or it may be the complete farm name (example: Spruce Grove).

C. A calf being carried by its dam at the time the dam is sold to another breeder must have the calf’s breeder’s prefix as the first name in its registration name.

D. Either right or left ear shall have the herd identification number of the breeder, the animals individual number of the breeder's own system composed of a maximum of five (5) numbers or letters and the last letter must be the international letter denoting the calendar year of birth as follows: A-2013, B-2014, C-2015, D-2016, E-2017, F-2018, G-2019, H-2020, J-2021, K-2022, L-2023, M-2024, N-2025, P-2026, R-2027, S-2028, T-2029, U-2030, W-2031, X-2032, Y-2033, Z-2034, etc. ( I, O, Q and V are not used) A tattoo shall be unique within the herd.

E. Special symbols, diagonals, brands, bars, joined letters, ect. can not be used in the tattoo and recording of an animal.

F. Other methods for official identification for registration purposes are: a) an electronic identification tag beginning with the number 840, b) an official ID ear tag for another breed association, or c) a full side view picture of the animal that can be scanned and then printed on the animal’s registration paper.


Names of Animals

A. The names of animals being registered cannot be more than thirty-six (36) letters, numbers and/or spaces. The purpose is to allow the names of Normandes being milked as dairy animals to be similar to the naming of animals within other dairy breeds.

B. Name Change

(1) Names of imported animals may be changed at the time of registry in NANA.

(2) The name of a registered animal (except for the prefix) may be changed upon written application to the NANA, provided that the registration certificate is returned, the name desired is not already in use, and the proper fee is paid. The current name and the immediate previously recorded name shall be printed on the registration certificate.

(3) Registration requests for unnamed animals will be processed by the Association and assigned the common name of the sire or dam plus the year code and identification numbers.

(4) It is recommended that animals be given names, which include the sire's name before the given name of the animal when possible. Example: A son of a bull named Sport might be named "ONB Sport Elmer 8L". Cattle registered shall be named with the breeders prefix as the first name in the animal’s entire name so it is permanently identified with the breeder, the identification number of the animal and the year the animal was born.

EXAMPLE: Breeder = Ken's Stock Farm = KST
Name of the Animal = "Redcoat Jane"
Animal's Identification or tattoo = 127
Year of Birth = 1998 = H
Name on Registration = "KST Redcoat Jane 127H"
Tattoo in the Animal's ear = KST 127H
Registration names can be ONLY 36 characters in length (including spaces) and animals having longer names will have their name abbreviated.


Multiple Births

A. When applying for registration for twins, or one member of twins, the word "twin" must be written following the animal's name on the application for registration, and the sex of the other twin must be given. Unless this is done, no application for registration of the other twin will be accepted. In births of twins or multiple births, a separate application for registration must be submitted for each animal. The word "twin" or whatever multiple birth should appear on each certificate.

B. In case of twins of opposite sex, the female cannot be registered until proven a breeder, at which time the extra fee for age shall be waived.


Expunging Records

A. If after registry of an animal in the herd book, anything shall be learned which raises a doubt as to the propriety of such registration, the Executive Committee may cause the matter to be investigated and shall have the authority to suspend such registration pending said investigation. If upon due hearing of the Executive Committee, it shall be found that an animal is improperly registered, the Executive Committee shall cause the registry to be expunged and take such other steps or measures as the nature of the case in their judgment may require; subject, however, to an appeal to the Board either by the owner of said animal, or by any person financially interested in maintaining its registry, or by any two (2) members of the Board itself under appeal procedure similar to that provided in the Bylaws.

B. Where parentage is questioned by the NANA, blood typing and/or DNA analysis will be required and the NANA will stand the cost. The other cases, the breeder will pay the blood typing and/or DNA fee. Blood typing and DNA must be processed at the serology laboratory approved by the NANA Board of Directors.


Erroneous Entry

A. Should any animal be admitted to entry or transferred through error, misrepresentation or fraud, the Executive Committee on discovery of it shall declare the entry or transfer void, together with any entries that may have been made of descendants of such animals. When an animal shall have been transferred or entered through misrepresentation or fraud, the Executive Committee may direct the Recording Secretary to refuse for record any subsequent entry or transfer dependent upon the signature of any person implicated in such fraudulent entry or transfer.

B. Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the NANA assumes no responsibility financially or otherwise for any loss or damage that may be sustained by any individual, partnership, firm or corporation by reason of suspension, cancellation or correction of any registration, transfer or other documents.



Members may file all data of breeding of their animals in the NANA office. The NANA shall furnish, for a fee, extended pedigrees as filed by the breeder, which shall contain a statement to the effect that this is the pedigree furnished by the breeder and is not certified by the NANA. No responsibility shall rest on the NANA by reasons of misrepresentation by the breeder.


Duplicate/Copy Certificates

A. In the event that a registration certificate has been lost or destroyed, a duplicate certificate can be obtained by submitting an affidavit containing all necessary information. If the original certificate is found, it will become the property of NANA.

B. Photo static copies of original certificates may be obtained from the Association office upon request. A charge will be made per the current fee schedule and the words "Copy Not Negotiable" will be printed on the reproduction.


Correction of Certificates

When new certificates are received from the NANA, they should be checked immediately to determine if correct. If any error or correction found necessary, it should be returned to the NANA office for correction. If the error is that of the applicant, the applicant will pay the correction fee. If the NANA office caused the error, the correction will be made at no charge. Any writing on the certificate not made in the NANA office will invalidate the certificate and necessitate the issuance of a duplicate at a cost to the holder of the regular fee.


Breeder's Records

A. Upon the death of a registered animal, it is the responsibility of the owner to report the deceased animal to the NANA for cancellation of registration certificate.

B. Owners and breeders of Normande cattle should keep accurate, complete records on dates of service or insemination, name and registration number of animals bred, and NANA number of sire used, date of calving, sex and identification of offspring. Such information is required to prove data submitted on application for registration.


Transfer of Animals

A. Every change of ownership of a registered animal must be entered as a transfer with the NANA.

B. Applications for transfer shall be signed by the seller and submitted to the NANA office for processing. Every application for transfer of an animal shall be taken as a guarantee of the owner that the animal is as represented, and that all matters stated in the application are true.

C. The Recording Secretary of the NANA may sign transfers and other forms as agent of the owner.

D. Sale managers are authorized to sign transfers (not registration applications) as agents of the owner if they print the owner's name on the transferor's line, print the sale management firm, sign the transfer personally and list the sale involved and its date.

E. The transfer application may have two (2) forms:

(1) Transfer of a registered Normande: The transfer application on the Registration Certificate.
(2) Transfer of an animal at the time of registration.

F. The transfer application must give the printed name and address of the new owner and the date of sale.

G. Application for transfer of a registered female: The application must include whether the animal is bred or open. If bred, the application must contain the service dates, NANA number of sire and dates of any pasture exposure. This data will allow the new owner to register the resulting progeny in his name and will list the seller as the breeder.

H. Application for transfer of a registered female with calf at side: Breeding data on cow must be completed as above and the calf must be registered by the seller and transferred to the new owner.

I. An application for transfer must specify to whom the registration certificate is to be sent after transfer is properly recorded in the NANA. If not specified, the transferred certificate will be sent to the buyer.

J. A transfer of registration entered on an application or certificate of registration or on the records of the Association shall not be construed as the conveyance of legal title by the Association. The Association shall in no way be involved in or assume liability for the purchase, sale or terms of a sale of registered animals or the passage of legal title thereto.



A. The NANA is on a cash basis. Registration fees are based on date of postmark, indicating date mailed by applicant. Transfer and lease fees are based on the date of sale and lease. If the correct fee does not accompany the application or prior payment has not been made, the sender is notified of the unpaid balance. If payment is not received within 30 days, all material is returned to the applicant. In any event, no applications are processed until each transaction is paid in full.

B. Non-members, Associate and Honorary Members may register Normande cattle, but the cost will be two (2) times the fee charged to active members.

C. It will be the policy of the NANA that the seller will pay the registration and transfer fees.

D. Fees may be changed at the discretion of the NANA Board of Directors.


(1) Membership Fee (Active Annual) $40.00
(2) Associate Member Fee (Not eligible to vote) 20.00
(3) Junior Member (Under 18 years, Annual) 10.00
(4) Registration Fees For All Animals Up to 24 months of Age
a) 0-6 Months of Age (Non Member fee is 20.00) 10.00
b) 7-12 Months of Age (Non Member fee is 30.00) 15.00
c) 13-24 Months of Age (Non Member fee is 40.00) 20.00
d) Steers (Up to 24 months) (Non Member fee is 30.00) 15.00

(5) Overage Registration Fee - Over 24 months of Age
a) Full blood and Percentage (Non Member fee is 200.00) 100.00

(6) Import Registration Fee 10.00
(7) Transfer Fee (Within 60 days of Sale) 10.00
a) Late Transfer Fee (Over 60 days after Sale) 15.00

(8) Additional Service Fees
a) Certificate correction and addition 5.00
b) Change of name of membership 10.00
c) Change of name of animal 10.00
d) Duplicate certificate 5.00
e) Photocopy of certificate 1.00
f) Faxed pedigree (not official certificate) 5.00
g) Special handling per certificate 20.00
h) Overnight Mailing UPS (not available Sat. & Sun.) 15.00